Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day - 1: Outline of our course

Welcome to TYWLS Healthy Living Space, Grades 6 – 8

Teacher: Renee Dryg
Room: 304
Phone: 718-267-2839
Ext: 3040

Course Description:
The focus of Healthy Living class is to develop skills for personal awareness and tools for dealing with life. We will learn how to make healthy, responsible choices for a lifetime of physical and mental health.

Healthy Living class will join movement, breath, and self-study, to strengthen, align and balance the body, focus the mind and soothe and recharge the brain. We will study the body’s systems, the mind-body connection and the impact and consequences of one’s behavior choices. We will learn how to move gracefully, breathe smoothly and deeply and sustain our focus and concentration, developing strength, flexibility, balance, mental clarity and emotional stability.

Course Goals
  • Embody: Learn to keep our body, mind, and self, healthy and balanced, for our whole life
  • Empower: Gain self-awareness and support social, physical, mental
    and emotional health and well being
  • Excel: Develop focus and concentration to enhance learning and achievement
  • Breathe: Unite our body, mind, and self with breath awareness for healthy stress-management
  • Stretch: Allow our bodies to teach us about change, while finding enjoyment and success in physical activity
  • Shine: Know and express our true selves with confidence, even in challenging situations
  • Be here now: Be in the present for each moment of life, aware of self and others
Classroom Supplies:
  • Bath towel, to sit on floor
  • marble notebook/journal
  • pen
Course Evaluation:
Your grade for this course will be determined by these two criteria: Full participation in class activities and completion of assigned journal entries.

Attention: Students and Parents, please sign and return the signature page to Renee Dryg, room 304
You can find a printer friendly copy here:

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