Monday, January 12, 2009

Lesson 15: Energy Renewal

The new year is a time of renewal, with the winter solstice comes longer daylight time, we can come our of the long nights part of winter with new intentions for how we will use our energy. This is similar to the way some people make New Years Resolutions, things they hope to change about their lives. In particular I hope that you will use this period of the year to renew your commitment to yourself, your own empowerment and happiness. Be happy with who you are by making good healthy choices for your body, and also your mind and spirit.

Lesson 15 Activities

Co-listening, active listening
Energy renewing breath: mother earth, celestial(star) father
Energy Drawing

Journal Entry #15
, Energy Renewal

Place your energy drawing in your Journal and label it #15.

Energy Drawing Practice:
  1. start by picking one color to use, choose a color that seems to represent your energy right now
  2. draw one line with that color that represents "energy" in any way that you like (there is no right or wrong)
  3. use that first line as inspiration, a starting point for a drawing, poem, short story, or personal journal entry about energy
  4. stay connected to your breath as you complete the page, if you don't know what to do next on the page, just breath deep and slow and start your pencil moving again.
  5. Let it flow freely onto the page whatever it is

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