Friday, October 10, 2008

Lesson 6: Brain balancing breath and relaxation

When we take a Time In to center, the goal is to turn off our thoughts and let the brain rest and rejuvenate. Most of us have a hard time with this activity, especially in this busy city, in this technology age of society.
Ways that we can Time In and Tune In are to practice focusing our mind on one thing, like a shape, a color, or the inhale exhale of our breathing. We close our eyes to get rid of the first distraction: things we see.Counting forwards and backwards works well too.

The brain balancing breath, is breathing through one nostril at a time and alternating. It brings you into balance between the left and right side of your brain, and then your body, and self will feel the effects too.

Brain health tip: drink 8 glasses of water a day, 83% of our blood is water, the water help the blood with it's oxygen flow to our brain. More info on brain health click HERE!

To relax we can use visualization, visualizing is the process of using your imagination, to see a story in your mind, a personal story about yourself, and what might be on your mind. It is similar to a dream, but you stay awake while you do it. We have been imagining a garden and a forest.

Today's poses:
Spinning top, monkey paw, frog, warrior I, standing hand to toe, pyramid, pyramid twists

Journal Entry #6:
Imagine a place that you would take yourself to relax, describe what it looks like, what things are there, what you feel like when you are there. You already have your garden and big special worry tree, but imagine a new place that you might go and take a friend or classmate too.

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