Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lesson 9: Inside body, Organ functions

Journal entry#9: Organ Functions

For each organ listed below find out what it does to keep us healthy. We already know that the lungs bring in Oxygen, and send out Carbon Dioxide which detoxifies the blood.
Check out this website:
  • heart
  • liver
  • stomach
  • spleen
  • kidneys
  • gall bladder
  • pancreas
  • bladder

Monday, October 27, 2008

Lesson 8: Inside body, Internal Organs

Practice: Sounding breath

Check out the Organs Game

Journal Entry #8:Body Map
Draw a figure that looks like the outline of a human body. Inside the body create a map of the internal organs listed below by drawing them inside the body image at the approximate location that we would find them on ourselves. Label each organ as well.
  • brain
  • heart
  • liver
  • lungs
  • stomach
  • large intestine
  • small intestine

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lesson 7: Brain food, Body Connections

"If you give your brain the right nutrients, you will be able to think quicker, have a better memory, be better coordinated and balanced and have improved concentration."
excerpted from Brain Food

Brain Food:
  1. Protein: Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, dried beans (legumes), green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds..
  2. Complex Carbohydrates: Grains, fruits and vegetables are key sources of carbohydrates.
  3. Fats: Omega-3 fats, ensure that you eat plenty of oily fish like salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, herring, mackerel and anchovies. Avocados, fresh coconut, and extra virgin olive oil, raw or dry roasted nuts and seeds, walnut oil, canola oil.
  4. Vitamins and minerals(micro-nutrients): The 'B' complex vitamins are particularly important for the brain and play a vital role in producing energy. Vitamins A, C and E are powerful antioxidants. The Minerals Magnesium and manganese are needed for brain energy. Sodium, potassium and calcium are important in the thinking process and they facilitate the transmission of messages. Fruits and vegetables, in wide variety and color.
More info:
The Franklin Institute, and Food for Productivity

Today's poses:
twisting airplane taps, monkey paws, frog, double ferris wheel arms, triangle, forward bend with windmill, warrior I, eagle arms and legs.

Journal Entry #3: Food Diary

For the next three days, record everything you eat each day. Record the date and day of the week. Also record any physical feelings that you have that you think might be related to what you have eaten.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lesson 6: Brain balancing breath and relaxation

When we take a Time In to center, the goal is to turn off our thoughts and let the brain rest and rejuvenate. Most of us have a hard time with this activity, especially in this busy city, in this technology age of society.
Ways that we can Time In and Tune In are to practice focusing our mind on one thing, like a shape, a color, or the inhale exhale of our breathing. We close our eyes to get rid of the first distraction: things we see.Counting forwards and backwards works well too.

The brain balancing breath, is breathing through one nostril at a time and alternating. It brings you into balance between the left and right side of your brain, and then your body, and self will feel the effects too.

Brain health tip: drink 8 glasses of water a day, 83% of our blood is water, the water help the blood with it's oxygen flow to our brain. More info on brain health click HERE!

To relax we can use visualization, visualizing is the process of using your imagination, to see a story in your mind, a personal story about yourself, and what might be on your mind. It is similar to a dream, but you stay awake while you do it. We have been imagining a garden and a forest.

Today's poses:
Spinning top, monkey paw, frog, warrior I, standing hand to toe, pyramid, pyramid twists

Journal Entry #6:
Imagine a place that you would take yourself to relax, describe what it looks like, what things are there, what you feel like when you are there. You already have your garden and big special worry tree, but imagine a new place that you might go and take a friend or classmate too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lesson 5: Posture, and alignment review

Review of poses:
  • mountain, waterfall, rag doll, downward facing dog, table, child, up cat, down cat, twisted car, tricky cat, knee plank, cobra, knee lunge
  • warrior 1, balancing warrior, triangle forward bend
  • warrior 2, triangle, half moon
In class project:
:you have completed all other journal entries,
then : Create a drawing or written description of your garden or magic forest

Journal Entry #5: Posture Observation

1. Observe your own posture, and that of those around you. (Don’t correct or instruct other, just observe silently.)
2. Make mental notes as you do this.
3. Look at yourself in the mirror. Observe your normal, habitual posture habits: your feet, ankles, hips, spine, shoulders, neck, etc.
4. Write down your observations.